“I have never uncovered a deeper source within myself. Your healing work and your teaching of techniques is immediately real to my entire body, it sinks deep inside of me in a way that shifts reality. My body feels like mine again.” ”
“My experience of Maury is that he dwells in the higher states of loving consciousness. His energy connection during sessions is deeply healing and intimate. His presence makes me know my own higher self. Maury’s work has helped me make huge leaps in healing severe abuse pains and lack of self love that I have not been able to cope with before, even after years of much effort. He’s truly a beautiful healer.”
Healing trauma to change your life
As symptoms of trauma release, your inner landscape radiates a healing journey of transformational awakening, flow and connection with self.
Understand, you spent your life reacting to situations and making decisions based on how you reacted as a child. After we dissolve these outdated wound reaction patterns you can more effectively feel into your heart, spirit, or intuition for powerful guidance.
As your story unravels, we creatively and strategically guide unhealthy energies such as subconscious mind chatter to release, and tendons, muscles and organs to relax. Blood and energy flow improves as an emotional peacefulness sets in. Stiff hardened bodily tissues relax, soften and energize to develop a working pliability as they heal.
I find it profound and amazing how bones in your spine and feet naturally align as old obstructions, body tightness and discomforts release.
Pains diminish and are often completely alleviated once we access the trauma root and structural cause with my extremely safe, gentle, non-touch and spiritually intimate method.
How energy healing works
The branch of science known as Quantum Physics has discovered and proven that beliefs change matter in our bodies and physical world. As scientist and teacher Gregg Braden’s video impressively describes, “belief translates the invisible energy waves of what we feel and imagine into the physical reality of our world.”
Looking at my conscious guided energy healing process through the eyes of Gregg's teachings we see:
Atoms in your body are composed of dynamically vibrating quantum energy fields called quanta. Collectively, quanta energy fields connect the infinite universal energy field where all things are connected.
Quanta vibrationally store the energy of your physical and emotional history and broadcasts your pain, trauma and energy field in the universal energy field where it can be subtly felt or experienced by others.
My ancient Qigong lineage of energy healers and other shamanic cultures discovered how to tap into this universal truth to psychically, empathically and tactally feel other people’s physical and emotional energies and work with them to heal memories and 100’s of symptoms.
Purging stuck and toxic memory patterns from your energy body removes subconscious stories and the corresponding reaction patterns behind many health challenges. As toxic memories release, quanta energy fields give off their memory charge and they reset. You may experience tingling, heat or other sensations anywhere in your body as this happens.
My work with instant feedback and guidance
My cultivated abilities to dynamically understand your response patterns in “real time” affords me a deep working understanding of your symptoms or challenges and how to help you heal or successfully manage them without needing to hear your story.
The universal energy field guides me to psychically and empathically discover and feel the roots of stuckness on your subtle body timeline which is causing pain, structural imbalance or pent up emotional stagnancy. Simultaneously, I intuitively observe how your whole body responds to particular foods, thoughts, environmental challenges, tightness patterns or other dis-ease causing triggers in order to understand and resolve complex sensitivity issues.
Freedom from outdated childhood patterns
If painful childhood memories are subconsciously controlling your life, you may feel a profound contentment and reunification with yourself when we access and release the root of a particular childhood trauma I call your “primal trauma”
Your “primal trauma” may be locking you into a lifelong fear response pattern of trying to hide from adversity or challenges. The transformational freedom from this escape pattern is a foundational step on the journey of truly reuniting with self.
Consciousness based self care
Living consciously is a full time practice which amplifies success on your wellness journey and prevents many adverse reactions.
At the root of self care, long term wellness and longevity, is the constant need to rebalance your body and encourage good health. Proactively we also need to navigate life to prevent reactions and symptoms which diminish wellness.
As needed and if time allows, I guide you to embody simple medical qigong movements, meditations, or consciousness prescriptions to facilitate and promote moment to moment wellness. Practices support a conscious body posture, improved nose breathing, dynamic energy rebalancing, and intuitive life navigation.
Many years ago out of personal necessity, I created a system called The Allergy Code™. I found ways to desensitize or navigate all kinds of food, environmental, people and sensitivity challenges. Most people have no idea of the unique affect a food may have on their symptoms. Today I believe that some sensitivities or challenges are best consciously navigated, not desensitized.
Is Qigong Energy Therapy with Maury right for you?
Working creatively with tough and unusual cases which doctors have not been able to resolve, my clients have had a high level of success creating life transforming results or solutions in a reasonable number of sessions.
A one hour session creates profound results and solves many issues. For complex issues, or if you want to resolve more issues at once, I usually recommend an intensive, open ended, one to three hour prorated session where you control the clock. At a natural stopping point when you feel at peace and the healing is complete we move into a wind down and completion mode.
My non-touch method allows me to work with you at any distance with equal effectiveness.
In person I sit across from you and may move about OR
During distance or remote sessions we verbally communicate by telephone, or though skype, facebook messenger, or whatsapp.
To help you decide if this work is for you, I offer short complimentary telephone consultations to discuss your unique challenges and answer any questions you may have.
“Thank you so very much Maury for all you did. It worked!”
Success Stories
I invite you to read a few success stories from people who have not been able to find solutions using conventional healing methods and may have been told by their doctor they could not be helped.
After your session, I invite you to share your story as a comment at the bottom of my testimonial page.
Are you experiencing a domino effect of seemingly unrelated reactions which are affecting your mind, body and life?
It doesn't have to be this way.
If you are like most people, you don't really know what causes your PTSD and pain reactions. Reactions can be triggered by memories, people, places, weather, or even food… nothing makes total sense.
My goal is to help you create long term healing results
Are you ready to Reclaim Your Life?
I would love to help you when are you ready.